Ssshhhh Koi Hai All Episodes

The show, which presented some frightening episodes of ghosts, evil spirits, wicked sorcerers, vampires, vicious creatures etc. was characteristic of the typical “90's influence” on the Indian TV and it became very popular among the watchers. The stories of the show were marked by simplistic actors and actresses, realistic plots and a plain picture format. Ssshhhh.. Koi Hai… was a horror show unique on its own, which is why it engendered great suspense, horror and thrill among its watchers who used to keenly wait every Friday night for the clock to strike 10, when Ssshhhh.. Koi Hai… would start with its horrid yet stirring title track and a new episode of unearthly terror would entertain the watchers. The origin of the devil in the stories were varied, be it a weird-looking mask, a flat in a Mumbai apartment, a college or hostel, an outlying area in Rajasthan or anything that can have even the least likelihood of association with ghosts or evil spirits.
The curiosity of the watchers would escalate as the story progressed: who could be the victim, how would the sufferer elude or wipe out the devil etc. At the climax, usually, a divine entity, advice or deliverance of an experienced person or their own sagacity would help the sufferer escape the devil. Another significant feature of the show was that the episodes used to end with the reappearance of the devil. The first season of the show became very popular among the Indian audience thanks to its notable episodes which provided outright entertainment of horror and thrill. The show was free from the elaborations that fictional shows nowadays utilize, yet it had a uniqueness which made it sought-after on the Indian TV, and the most important factor of its popularity being the fact that it was relevant to that period (2001-02). Some popular episodes of the season were raved by the watchers as gossip of pastime.